Shelley and her mother are the “Mice” of this shocking story. Quiet, timid and nervous sixteen year old Shelley has been the victim of horrendous bullying at school, so her mother, recently divorced from a selfish bully, decides to buy a cottage in the middle of nowhere in the hope of leading a q...
Written by Gordon Reece, Mice is an electrifying psychological taut thriller exploring the lives of Shelly and her mother, Elizabeth. The duo retreat to a peaceful life in the countryside to escape their physical and mental scars from their previous lives of intense torment and bullying. When a...
Un thriller ben costruito,dal ritmo serrato ed appassionante, che racconta una storia molto credibile e tiene incollato il lettore in un crescendo di suspense e con parecchi colpi di scena.Coinvolgente a tal punto da immedesimarsi nelle azioni e pensieri delle protagoniste e finire per augurarsi ...
Even though I’d been sunk in the depths of a deep, deep sleep, the unmistakable pig squeal of the fourth stair had reached the part of the brain that never sleeps. I had no doubt what I’d heard, and I had no doubt what it meant: someone was in the house. The fluorescent display of the alarm clock...