The tale of Bluebeard, reenvisioned as a dark fable of faith and truth1843 is the “last year of the world,” according the Elias Fitcher, a charismatic preacher in the Finger Lakes district of New York State. He's established a utopian community on an estate outside the town of Jeckyll's Glen, whe...
Lyrec and Borregad--two interdimensional travelers on a quest to hunt down and destroy the creature named Miradomon, who bestrides whole worlds and drinks the life of everything upon them. If they don't stop him on this world, the next one he'll devour is ours...
"You rattle the darkness where you walk, Jax."Enter Shadowbridge, a world of linked spiraling spans of bridges on which all impossibilities can happen. Ghosts parade, inscrutable gods cast riddles, and dangerous magic is unleashed.Monstrous creatures drain the lives of children and for a price, y...
Her neighbors—her “friends”—were the culprits. They thought she’d gone crazy, and maybe they were half right. She’d killed a man, cut his dick off. He’d shown her who he was, was why. He was an Orbiter for sure. He had the burn marks on his temples where he fired the injector gun, so she would ha...