Mycroft; without any change of his bright and almost careless tone, remarked, as though we had been discussing it all through lunch, “We’ll pay that second visit to Heregrove this afternoon. The morning’s work went perfectly—even quicker and better than I had dared to hope. Just come into the lab...
“Yes,” I said. “There it is,” pointing to it lying in a tray on the left of my desk. “It is safe to handle,” he said, “and as I am sure of the drift of the contents, perhaps you’ll not mind reading it to me or letting me read it?” I handed the tray to him and he picked it up, carelessly enough. H...
They seemed to have reached a new norm of tacitly agreed distance. She was certainly far from happy, pretty certainly her health was paying for her bitterness of mood, but it was apparently a resigned bitterness. He was certainly not genial, pretty certainly indifferent, but apparently content to...
Beekeepers were evidently very scarce, though I did not know how scarce. And, further, my dread of business dealings leading, if made with amateurs, to social entanglements, meant that I couldn’t seek in the village itself asking all and sundry if any hive fanciers were known. I was determined to...
Finally he said, “It’s a proof, but is it a process? Can it actually be lived? What would you do here and now, here and now,” and his voice became almost harshly definite, “with this young couple? With the Mole?? With me??? “You’ve put the series of questions rightly,” the other remarked with a s...
BRADEGAR Mr. Bradegab was not alarmed. That would have been an exaggeration, and a disparaging exaggeration—which is, in itself, so unusual as to awaken doubt. But Mr. Bradegar had been waked in an unusual way, in a way which—he would have been quite happy to allow it, had there been anyone to ma...