I was surprised (and a little disappointed) to find out that the honey bee is (1) not native to North America, but came over during colonial times, and (2) is an integral part of the industrialized food industry.This book documents how bees are moved around the United States to pollinate crops on...
Family collection. After nearly a month spent tending to her mother, Bertha traveled to Switzerland with Abraham, leaving Delia, back from her own jaunt with their father, in Bad Pyrmont to watch Julia. Now it was Bertha’s turn to explore. After five train changes and one Russian lamb cape left b...
His generosity with his story and his life, with his bee suits and veils and jokes and insights and star thistle honey and sweet mandarins and baggies of almonds and Honey Stinger chews—it has all been astonishing and humbling. Thanks also to Pat Heitkam for sharing his queen secrets, for his edi...