"I forgot for a moment that you are Lirin. Anyone else would not have been able to tell." 'Well?" There was a hint of annoyance in her voice. He was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry. I will explain when we get to our shelter." 'Shelter?" 'Yes, there is a place here I thought we might camp for the ...
The base of the structure was formed from enormous blocks of quarried stone, gleaming gray and black in the shadows of the moon, irregular and purposefully shaped, mortared together around tall beams of ancient wood. Carefully tended walkways, formed by great slabs of polished rock embedded in th...
It was the only place the Bolg, without exception, did not go, a desolate, forbidding place from the look of its exterior structures. What heinous tragedy had occurred here was unclear in the legends, but it had been devastating enough to permanently scar the psyche of the...
The wind was warm and sweet in summer's advent, the earth beneath him fragrantly verdant. Riding at the head of a force one hundred thousand strong, ten thousand mounted, was the headiest sensation he ever remembered feeling, an exhilaration that was powerful, almost sexual. He had the sense that...