The Story-I'm taking a look at book 1 in the new series- Amelia Bedelia Means Business. The author is Herman Parish, the nephew of the original Amelia Bedelia creator, Peggy Parish. The story revolves around Amelia's quest to earn money for a shiny new bike. She tries all sorts of things, from wa...
I love to read about Amelia Bedelia's mishaps with taking phrases literally. I kind of wish Amelia Bedelia was always a young child in other books instead of an adult. I mean it has always been fun to watch the literal reactions to phrases in Amelia Bedelia books, but it would have made more sens...
Amelia Bedelia is staying with her grandparents. Her grandmother decides to make an apple pie and sends Amelia and her grandfather in search of Granny Smith. In typical Amelia Bedelia fashion there are some misunderstandings along the way. When Grandma makes her pie Amelia makes a small one as...
This book is perfect for fans of Amelia Bedelia's antics, and also for people who are looking to take their child to the library for the first time. In this story, we follow Amelia as she makes her first trip to the library. She learns about the book return, how to check out books, which books ...