Insensatez es la historia de un periodista salvadoreño solitario y excéntrico a quien la Iglesia Católica le ha encargado editar un voluminoso informe en el que se documentan las barbaridades perpetradas por los militares contra los indígenas de un país que nunca nombran (Guatemala). El pretexto...
The Catholic church hires the narrator to copyedit a 1100 page manuscript of interviews containing the memories of hundreds of survivors/witnesses (mostly indigenous peoples) of massacres in Guatemala perpetuated by the armed forces in a conflict between the army and guerrillas. The narrator is t...
THE BALCONY I LOVE THIS PLACE, MY DEAR; it’s the second time I’ve been here. About a month ago we sat at this very table with Olga María. What I like is its European ambiance, how you don’t feel like you’re in San Salvador—the only thing missing that would make it perfect ...
“How are you doing? Are you feeling any better?” Don Chente asked point-blank as soon as I came out of the elevator—he was the one who greeted me, not the uniformed maid. So-so, I told him, though the truth was that nothing had changed, the pain was there in my side, and though it might very well...