I checked my wristwatch and discovered I’d been asleep for quite a while. “Are you okay, Katie?” Jay asked, leaning forward to stroke my cheek. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “I was really concerned about you,” Mona said, “so I called him.” “But you’re on duty,” I said. “What will your men d...
Her eyes were red and swollen. Obviously, she’d spent the day crying. Willie-Mae came into the room. “I’ve tried everything,” she said. “Do you think it will ever clear up?” I asked, then realized I had ulterior motives. I wanted Mona to come back to work so I didn’t have to deal with Abigail. “E...
Gator immediately drove to the nearest shelter, which had been set up in City Hall. He parked his truck under a live oak so the animals would stay cool while they went inside. The mayor looked relieved to see Gator. “We’ve been searching high and low for you, boy,” he said...