It was not as if the sentient metal creature had much use for it. He felt like a beggar as he was ushered shivering in front of the ambassador. The transparent dome-skull of his Excellency Grinder Longbody sparked with unrestrained curiosity as Dick was ushered into the ambassador’s office. ‘Your...
Despite their best efforts at courtliness, the bearers deposited the Baroness in front of the piled food as if she were another haunch of meat being added to the feast. First Senator Silvermain’s free company mercenaries took position along the wall, guns and armour jangling, two food tasters eme...
When she had started out as the vessel’s skipper, that model had been painted as emerald green as a field of verdant grazing land. Now it was a blotchy red patchwork that looked almost as sick as the accounts of Fiveworlds Shipping. A little less healthy after every trip. Damn it, I’m not going t...
Was this the world’s secret… it was alive, a vast single organism consuming all hapless visitors who made the mistake of landing on it? Was he passing through some vast silicon-based life form’s digestive system, following his friends into its gut? Suddenly, the invisible field gripping him seeme...