My bare feet padded over the wood floor and then the carpet of the lounge room. My blood tumbled through my veins, set on edge by the tension brewing beyond my walls. I didn’t need to go onto the street for a better view.Excitement, fear, pure energy and hate swirled like the clouds of a gatherin...
He bent and gave her a scratch between the ears. “You can sleep on my feet tonight. Promise.” The brown cat head-butted the takeaway bag, then sauntered down the concrete steps. Probably to the park to torment the dogs. That was how he’d found her, as a scrap of kitten left for dead. He wasn’t a ...
She glanced at Tate and indicated for him to follow. This would be the test. Would her parents be able to see him? She began building an excuse so it was ready to roll off her tongue. He was a friend, come to help her study. She stole another glance at him. That would work—he looked fairly solid,...