This book follows a High Court Judge, Fiona. She and her husband are having relationship problems after he suggested they have an open marriage. She is horrified and when he moves out she throws herself into her work.It follows the cases she works on- the main one being a case of a young Jehovah ...
Ian McEwan has created a really unlikeable character in Michael Beard. Normally I find if I can't empathise with the main character I struggle to finish the book. McEwan is such a brilliant writer that I couldn't stop reading the novel. It is a satire about a totally self-absorbed scientist wh...
“…here as on a darkling plain”Freud, I think, said once that the man’s main objective in life, the pursuit of happiness, is prevented by at least one of the following factors: his own body, the external world and the relationships with the others. Family, which could be his refuge and personal he...
A scintillating piece of the purest gemstone, a diamond, was tracing around the forceps of a persona, the face of a mountain. The sky was a jet-black expanse devoid of sunlight and every color that pleases the eyes. There were small bursts of constant explosions inside that cavernous cave of red....
Jméno Ian McEwan jsem již párkrát zaslechl, ale protože dávám přednost irským autorům před těmi ostrovními, nechával jsem jej bez povšimnutí. Až náhoda způsobila, že chtěv si pořídit nějaké mapy, zakoupil jsem i čerstvě vydaný překlad románu Nevinný (The Innocent, orig. 1989).Asi nejvíc mě na kni...
The Child in Time is the most optimistic of McEwan’s novels. It also fizzes with intelligence, and balances intellect with optimism – a rare feat nowadays. Reflecting on his screenplay for the film The Ploughman’s Lunch, McEwan remarked that the characters started out bad, and got worse. Here, th...
"Ever since I lost mine in a road accident when I was eight, I have had my eye on other people's parents..." Jeremy, first person narrator in Ian McEwan's BLACK DOGS, finds what he is searching for in the parents of his wife Jenny, June and Bernard Tremaine. Placing the exploration of his in-laws...
This was exactly the novel I didn’t want to read, but at least it’s official now – NO MORE IAN MCEWAN BOOKS FOR ME, EVER. I would like to tell you how stupid this novel is, but Maciek beat me to it – see his great review here let me tell you about the bo...
In this short story collection, McEwan explores human relationships, the grotesque and the sensual lurking in the corners of our minds. Each of the stories engage the reader with a simple yet arresting prose that forces the reader to grapple with often unpleasant ideas and themes. Each of the "fr...
When did the events of this narrative take place, one immediately wonders? The author mentions that they were some time ago, similar issues not likely to occur these days. Edward and Florence seem Victorian in their reticence, their innocence, their propriety, and yet they arrive at their honey...
Eine unheimliche DystopieSi può dire del Tedesco che non sia una lingua propriamente dolcissima, ma quando si tratta di trovare i termini adatti per descrivere stati d’animo e situazioni impalpabili e incorporee, i Tedeschi battono tutti. E così hanno inventato questo bel termine: das Unheimlich....
Dacă mergi într-o librărie și zărești pe un raft Visătorul, cunoscând măcar o parte dintre cărțile anterioare ale lui Ian McEwan, vei citi coperta a patra, o vei cumpăra (pentru că, nu-i așa, îți place cum scrie autorul britanic) și vei pleca fericit/-ă cu ea acasă. Dar absolut nimic nu te va pre...
En la gran casa de campo de la familia Tallis todo parece fluir con apacible elegancia en el dia más caluroso del verano de 1935. Pero si el lector ha agudizado el oído, ya habrá percibido unas sutiles notas disonantes, y comienza a esperar el instante en que el gusano que habita en la deliciosa ...
En una casa de los suburbios de Londres, vive un familia como cualquiera otra, hasta el día en que fallece el padre y en que los hijos deben asumir la gestión de la casa y de sus propias vidas, ya que la madre padece una grave enfermedad que la obliga a permanecer encerrada en su cuarto. Esta rep...
He was still in Edinburgh, still happy with his doctoral work and his new life of semi-secretive affairs, each one ending, so he claimed, without much trouble or remorse. I read the letter one morning on my way to work on one of the rare occasions when I’d managed to push through the packed fetid...
And though shrimp and fingertip lay at differing distances from my brain, they felt each other simultaneously, a diverting issue in neuroscience known as the binding problem. Days later it happened again on another finger. Some developmental time passed and I grasped the implications. Biology is ...
I gave him five hundred pounds for his work and he handed the bundle through the bars. Thirty-five photocopied articles by you. He went off happy, but what about me? I had no idea then what kind of night lay ahead. Perhaps they were the worst few hours of my life. It was torture, Joe, coming face...
He was in the washroom, looking in the mirror while rinsing his hands. The image was there, but he wasn’t entirely convinced. The sensation, or the nonsensation, still occupied the right side of his head like a tight-fitting cap. When he trailed his finger across his scalp, he could identify the ...