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Ilsa J. Bick books

Ilsa J. Bick
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Read Books by Ilsa J. Bick


Atemnot (2014)

Da ich bereits von der Autorin schon die "Ashes" Reihe gelesen hatte, war ich umso gespannter, auf ihr neues Buch. Doch leider habe ich viel zu große Erwartungen gehabt.Worum gehts?Jenna hat es in ihrem Leben alles andere als leicht. Ständig gerät ihr Leben aus den Fugen. Leider läuft auch in ihr...

Atemnot (2014) by Ilsa J. Bick

Der Zeichner Der Finsternis (2000)

After being given the book Ashes as a gift, I became intrigued by Ilsa J Bick’s other books. I have already read Drowning Instinct and The Sin Eater’s Confession so I was aware that the main character wasn’t going to be your normal everyday teenager but Christian really is as far from this as any...

Der Zeichner Der Finsternis (2000) by Ilsa J. Bick

Well of Souls (2003)

For twelve years she captained the flagship of the Federation. But while her exploits are legend, little has been revealed about Rachel Garrett, her vessel, or the unusual men and women of her crew. Until now. When the archeological find of the decade hints at an earlier Cardassian civilization, ...

Well of Souls (2003) by Ilsa J. Bick

Lost Time

“That didn’t sound good,” said Nog.“You’re telling me.” Gomez wasted a few seconds trying to reestablish contact. “Hell.” Then she felt something; no, correction: she didn’t feel anything. Well, not as much anyway. “The rumblings…the station’s not moving as much.” Gomez opened a channel. “Conlon,...

Lost Time by Ilsa J. Bick

The Lost Era: Well of Souls: Star Trek

This was apt, seeing as he hadn’t showered in two days or changed his clothes. Halak had turned things over so many times in his head, his brain felt like a bruised apple. Things just didn’t compute. First, Starfleet Intelligence showed up. Then they produced records. Some of them were true. Most...

The Lost Era: Well of Souls: Star Trek by Ilsa J. Bick

Wounds - Book 2

she said. Yet she already knew the answer: the military. Not different from Earth’s sometimes-not-so-distant past at all; in every war, whether with guns or experimental craft or bioweapons, soldiers were fodder. Sometimes they knew what was happening, and why. Many times they didn’t.“They were d...

Wounds - Book 2 by Ilsa J. Bick


“Mmm?” “Are we going to be okay?” “Sure.” Alex hugged the girl closer, not out of affection but expediency. The less space between them, the warmer they’d be. Beneath them, their nest of leaves and debris crackled with a sound like dry cellophane. The debris shelter was warm, almost toasty from t...

Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick


Sharon bawled. She hunched over an unconscious Ruby, now sprawled on a braided rug before the guesthouse fireplace. A strong woman and big, not even Sharon could stop the thin, fitful blood-geysers pumping from Ruby’s severed wrist. The rug was slowly turning a deep rust color as Ruby’s arteries ...

Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick

White Space (2014)

TANIA DROPPED into the passenger’s seat. Whiter than salt, her face glistened with sweat. Another spasm of pain grabbed the girl’s middle, and she grunted through gritted teeth, the knuckles of her right hand tightening around the rifle, as she clicked her shoulder harness home. “G-go, Rima, g-ge...

White Space (2014) by Ilsa J. Bick

The Dickens Mirror (2015)

HUDDLED in this bizarre mental trap, Elizabeth stared at that strange little candle Emma had made for her. Every box has a lid and every cell a door. She’d only need to find the key to this place, this down cellar, that was all. This place didn’t feel like a cell. There was a scent, however. Pape...

The Dickens Mirror (2015) by Ilsa J. Bick

Draw the Dark

I couldn’t get that old guy with the paintings out of my head or the whole dream thing. I’d been awake this time. Maybe Sarah was right; maybe I was having seizures or something. There was a scritchy-screechy feeling in my head like nails raking my brain. I told myself to calm down, take it easy,...

Draw the Dark by Ilsa J. Bick

Wounds, Book 1

DeCandido#3: Hard Crash by Christie Golden#4: Interphase Book 1 by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore#5: Interphase Book 2 by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore#6: Cold Fusion by Keith R.A. DeCandido#7: Invincible Book 1 by David Mack & Keith R.A. DeCandido#8: Invincible Book 2 by David Mack & ...

Wounds, Book 1 by Ilsa J. Bick

Drowning Instinct (2012)

I‘m sure the waitress thought we were insane and maybe we were, but I felt free and decadent, like this is what adults did. When we were done, we just sat and watched the water. There was a drawbridge just off the slips. A bell began to clang, and then the bridge split as some kind of big white b...

Drowning Instinct (2012) by Ilsa J. Bick

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