In an epic story that spans 150 years and continues to the present day, Iris Chang tells of a people’s search for a better life—the determination of the Chinese to forge an identity and a destiny in a strange land and, often against great obstacles, to find success. She chronicles the many accomp...
Is #JeSuisCharlie still trending on Twitter? Or, rather, is it still fashionable to bleat and moan about "freedom of speech" without mention of the First Amendment Zones in Ferguson, the labeling of protesters as looters and militants by mass media, this particular gem of a post, and so many othe...
The strength of the U.S. dollar allowed some to support their families back in China in relative luxury. To the lowest-paid émigrés, the money sent home often assured the survival of family members. Now, with the exclusion laws in place, these men had to face the harsh reality of their strangely ...