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Jack Cavanaugh books

Jack  Cavanaugh
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Read Books by Jack Cavanaugh


A Hideous Beauty: Kingdom Wars I (2007)

This isn't the world you think it is... Every day they slip across our borders to infiltrate our government, our schools, our neighborhoods. Homeland security can't stop them. The armed forces are no threat to them. Powerful and unseen, they cannot be stopped. They have been doing ...

A Hideous Beauty: Kingdom Wars I (2007) by Jack  Cavanaugh

Death Watch

As before, a staccato burst of lights hit with force. His arm around a red-haired pregnant woman, Hunz lowered his head and plunged into the sea of reporters. “This isn’t going to deceive anyone,” Sydney said. “Keep your head down and keep moving,” Hunz shouted over the din. She did. She was hunc...

Death Watch by Jack  Cavanaugh

A Hideous Beauty

I hadn’t slept in over twenty-four hours. In that time I’d delivered a speech to an assembly of high school students who didn’t want to hear it, endured the usual badgering of reporters at a press conference, been assaulted by an old classmate with some kind of voodoo or psychedelic drug, learned...

A Hideous Beauty by Jack  Cavanaugh

Tartarus: Kingdom Wars II

The downpour was torrential. Having been raised on Hollywood humor, I kept thinking of Jesus balancing a bucket of water over heaven’s doorway and instructing the last angel to slam the door shut on his way out.Like fools we stood there, staring up at the clouds, with the rain pelting us in the f...

Tartarus: Kingdom Wars II by Jack  Cavanaugh

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