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Jack D. Ferraiolo books

Jack D. Ferraiolo
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Read Books by Jack D. Ferraiolo


Sidekicks (2011)

4.5 stars!SIDEKICKS is a YA romance/adventure about Scott Hutchinson, a super strong/super fast teen boy whose alter ego is Bright Boy. He is sidekick to the world's greatest superhero--Phantom Justice. And, man is his world crumbling beneath his feet! Like many combat veterans, Scott's a hero, w...

Sidekicks (2011) by Jack D. Ferraiolo

The Big Splash (2011)

“What happened?” I mumbled. “Vat of cooking oil fell over in the kitchen, right as we were heading out the door. Total mess,” she said, her voice filled with exhaustion. She kissed my forehead and stumbled off to her room. I wasn’t sleepy anymore. I could see Kevin’s face in my mind, smirking at ...

The Big Splash (2011) by Jack D. Ferraiolo

The Quick Fix (2012)

On the list of things that I thought were going to happen that day, this ranked right after the Foo Fighters playing a concert in the cafeteria. It was obvious that everyone else in the school felt the same way. Kids were reveling in the news, not because they hated Katie and wanted to see her ta...

The Quick Fix (2012) by Jack D. Ferraiolo

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