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Jack Kerouac books

Jack Kerouac
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Read Books by Jack Kerouac


Ve Hipopotamlar Tanklarında Haşlandılar (2008)

I think this is probably one of my new favourite books. I have been really interested in the beat generation ever since Kill Your Darlings was released and I was so eager to read this book which fictionalizes the account of [SPOILER] David Kammerer's murder. The whole of the book kept me interest...

Ve Hipopotamlar Tanklarında Haşlandılar (2008) by Jack Kerouac

Desolation Angels (1995)

В «громадной и безумной легенде» Керуака «Ангелы опустошения» следуют за «Бродягами Дхармы». И если «Бродяги» заканчиваются признанием в любви богу и жаждой обретения нового опыта, то «Ангелы» этот самый опыт воспроизводят, а затем и то, что за ним следует. Роман составлен из двух книг. Изначальн...

Desolation Angels (1995) by Jack Kerouac

Big Sur (1992)

Should you read this book? Well, to quote Jack Kerouac himself, “I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference."What inspired me to read Big Sur, which I somehow skipped in all earlier Kerouac stints, was Ben Gibbard and Jay Farrar's 2009 LP: One Fast Move Or I'm Gone: Kerouac's ...

Big Sur (1992) by Jack Kerouac

The Subterraneans (1994)

Having finished reading Jack Kerouac’s classic The Subterraneans, one feels as though one has been embraced and punched in the guts at the same time. Harmonious near-poetry one minute, it becomes a phonetic cacophony the next. The book is the on-again off-again love story of Leo and Mardou, San F...

The Subterraneans (1994) by Jack Kerouac

Visions of Gerard (1991)

"His life...ended when he was nine and the nuns of St. Louis de France Parochial School were at his bedside to take down his dying words because they'd heard his astonishing revelations of heaven delivered in catechism on no more encouragement than it was his turn to speak...."Unique among Jack K...

Visions of Gerard (1991) by Jack Kerouac

En el camino (2004)

Con el paso del tiempo, "En el camino", un libro que fue la biblia y el manifiesto de la generación beat, se ha convertido en una «novela de culto» y en un clásico de la literatura norteamericana. Con un inconfundible estilo bop, que consiguió para Kerouac el título de «heredero de Charlie Parker...

En el camino (2004) by Jack Kerouac

Lonesome Traveler (2000)

Kerouac's "Lonesome Traveler" (1960)is a collection of eight travel essays, several of which had been published earlier. Kerouac offers insights into the collection in his introduction. He states that he "always considered writing my duty on earth. Also the preachment of universal kindness, which...

Lonesome Traveler (2000) by Jack Kerouac

Book of Blues (1995)

Hmmmmm........tough call.I think this is one of those books that divides the bona fide Kerouac fan from the Kerouac freak. Come to think of it, I probably used to belong to the latter category but now most probably belong to the former category. Like with so many of Kerouac's poetry collections, ...

Book of Blues (1995) by Jack Kerouac

Mexico City Blues (1994)

So, I had to read this book for a class on Beat writers and writing. Not sure I would have read it otherwise. That being said, I didn't hate this - but honestly, I think Kerouac is better at writing prose than poetry.Mexico City Blues is, to put it simply, Kerouac's ruminations on a variety of s...

Mexico City Blues (1994) by Jack Kerouac

Tristessa (1992)

Tristessa is the name with which Kerouac baptized Esperanza Villanueva, a Catholic Mexican young woman, a prostitute and addict to certain drugs, whom he fell in love with during one of his stays in Mexico -a country that he frequently visited - by the middle of the fifties. Wrapped in a spiritua...

Tristessa (1992) by Jack Kerouac

Maggie Cassidy (1993)

A Heartbreak Hipster ReviewWith Kerouac being one of my father's favourite authors - (he takes The Dharma Bums with him whenever we travel. He even named our first dog after him, though we kids were unable to pronounce the name, and so just called him “Wacky”) - I have always been encouraged to r...

Maggie Cassidy (1993) by Jack Kerouac

The Sea is My Brother (2012)

he was startled by the harsh ringing of a bell behind him.     He looked up from the book and glanced around the horizon with fear. What was it?     A droning, nasal voice spoke over the ship’s address system: “All hands to the boat deck. All hands to the b...

The Sea is My Brother (2012) by Jack Kerouac

Atop an Underwood (2011)

The soldier went up to the bar and ordered a beer. He had on his winter issue, belt and buttons and all. He adjusted his little cap carefully, jauntily, and paid for the beer. He was a clean looking soldier, and as far as I can see, he looked like a real soldier. Drinking his beer, he noticed the...

Atop an Underwood (2011) by Jack Kerouac

Wake Up (2011)

Working on this introduction, it has become apparent to me that Jack Kerouac was the lead bodhisattva, way back there in the 1950s, among all of our very American predecessors. To introduce Kerouac introducing Shakyamuni Buddha, I’m just going to be personal since I’m not a scholar of the Beats a...

Wake Up (2011) by Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg (2010)

That arrangement didn’t last long, and, by August, Neal and Jack were both in New York City. Throughout the fall, Ginsberg remained in the mental hospital (although he received his mail at his father’s house in Paterson, where he went every weekend). He continued to hope that something positive w...

Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg (2010) by Jack Kerouac

On the Road

He received the world in the raw. “Sal!” he said with genuine awe. “I didn’t think you’d actually do it. You’ve finally come to me.” “Yep,” I said. “Everything fell apart in me. How are things with you?” “Not so good, not so good. But we’ve got a million things to talk about. Sal, the time has fi...

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

Doctor Sax (1959)

ship–came to Lowell to feast on the citizens of Merrimac … a vampire, flying in the rainy night river from the old dump along back Textile field to the shores of Centralville … flying to the door of the Castle which was located on top of the dreaming meadow near Bridge and 18th....

Doctor Sax (1959) by Jack Kerouac

Book of Sketches

These poems just breathe and flow, and when Jack plays the Blues, which he often does, his blues are truly sad — they are sadness without humor, without the joking and backslapping that come from good times. They are the real unfunny truth. Like when his older brother Gerard died. This is one of ...

Book of Sketches by Jack Kerouac

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