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Jackie French books

Jackie French
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Read Books by Jackie French


Rover (2007)

This is an excellent read for older children, young adults and adults alike. The story follows a Scottish island girl, Hekja, who lives in a small village with her dog Snarf who protects the cows. A Viking raid however sees them taken captive and the family destroyed. Young fit slaves were valued...

Rover (2007) by Jackie French

Diary of a Christmas Wombat (2012)

I didn't know how I felt about this book as there isn't much of a story to it, so I tried it as a read aloud and the children really seemed to like it and think it is funny. That credit goes entirely to the illustrations, they are adorable and very appealing. Bruce Whatley's depictions of the myo...

Diary of a Christmas Wombat (2012) by Jackie French

Christmas Wombat (2011)

This time our imperterbably stubborn wombat takes a flight of fancy -- on the back of Santa's sleigh, where she settles in to nap after shoving the reindeer aside to get their carrots. She follows Santa down another chimney ("A wombat hole?") and after visiting several homes decides the "strange...

Christmas Wombat (2011) by Jackie French

They Came on Viking Ships (2005)

I decided to read this book because I had been searching for a book that was unlike the sort of novel I usually read (dystopian, fantasy or supernatural) and I thought it would be an interesting change.This novel fills in the category of a book that teaches me about another time in history. This...

They Came on Viking Ships (2005) by Jackie French

Hitler's Daughter (2003)

Her name was Heidi, and she was Hitler's daughter. It began on a rainy morning in Australia, as part of a game played by Mark and his friends. It was a storytelling game, and the four friends took turns weaving tales about fairies and mermaids and horses. But Anna's story was different this time:...

Hitler's Daughter (2003) by Jackie French

Pennies For Hitler

One afternoon there was nothing but white-capped sea and a sky swept clean by the wind and as blue as a balloon. The next morning when they marched along the corridor and climbed the companionway to physical jerks there it was: a stretch of dull khaki in the distance, like the land had been paint...

Pennies For Hitler by Jackie French

A Waltz for Matilda

Last Sunday I wore the dress you sent. A preacher comes every two months to the church in town. My friend Tommy took me on the back of his bicycle. I had to be careful not to tear my dress. It got dusty but Tommy has made me an iron so I can wash and iron and wear it as often as I want. The iron ...

A Waltz for Matilda by Jackie French

Flesh and Blood

Yellow erosion gullies that the bio-Engineered grass still hadn’t colonised. Stunted scarecrows in the distance that only grew tree-like when the floater drew close. And then we saw it: dark smudges against the tan and yellow that slowly grew into the refrigeration plant and tents — not bubble te...

Flesh and Blood by Jackie French

Blood Moon

‘Load of nonsense if you ask me.’ I had intended to question the cubs first, to get them out of the way before school. But they’d tumbled out of the kitchen before I had finished my chop (Connie still with her bone in her hand) and I’d had to ask Dusty to round them up. ‘An education’s useful,’ I...

Blood Moon by Jackie French


Those two, like the backside of a hippopotamus, or that one like an old man’s nose… Narmer recognised the smells too. The breeze carried the scent of the River in flood. The light was River light again, subtly coloured by the shifting water. Even the bird calls suddenly spoke to something deep wi...

Pharaoh by Jackie French

I Am Juliet

I sent the Joans away. I watched the petals on the roses in the garden below. I looked at the garden wall. Beyond it was my love. I wished that fiery horses would drag the sun down the sky; wished to close the curtains on the day. Let Romeo fly here on the wings of night. I had bought the mansion...

I Am Juliet by Jackie French

Barney and the Secret of the Whales (2016)

The bell clanged and I came down from the mast. No one climbed up after me; there seemed to be no need for a watch now. Down in the churning water the men in each boat strained and hauled on the oars, while the boat captains screamed encouragement: ‘Row, me hearties! Put your backs into it! Many ...

Barney and the Secret of the Whales (2016) by Jackie French

The Road to Gundagai

She was at home, with Willy in the nursery next door, the scent of toasted crumpets and honey lingering from Nurse’s supper, shared with her charge and his older sister.No, she was in the hospital; no, in the bed in the small hot room at the aunts’. She could hear the footsteps as the poisoner gr...

The Road to Gundagai by Jackie French

In the Blood

The initiates were already feeding, munching their way through an afternoon tea of small fruit tarts and apple strudel made with thin, soft pastry. I thought of Black Stump’s struggle with the cornmeal. Evidently Nearer To Heaven had no problems with flour supplies. ‘An Outland’s Clinic,’ exclaim...

In the Blood by Jackie French

The Night They Stormed Eureka

But what else were they to do? As Mrs Puddleham said, the food was there, waiting to be ate, and customers were back again, waiting to eat. Tonight though, most had muskets by their sides, and horns of powder at their belts. Scattered cheers rose across the diggings as men related to their comrad...

The Night They Stormed Eureka by Jackie French

Daughter of the Regiment

Sky Maze leapt up onto the box beside her, prepared to lay on top of her if she wouldn’t move. White Ice squeaked and flapped down to the floor. ‘I wish I’d seen them,’ said Angie. It was Saturday morning. Angie had brought three pots of jam—her mum had been cooking up the last of the apricots—an...

Daughter of the Regiment by Jackie French

The Phredde Collection

Luckily it didn’t jump very far, because basically its legs looked like a baby’s—that still made it a baby with a long flat head and a zillion tiny fangs. It just sort of glumped at us, then began crawling up our knoll, looking as though we were the best thing a paracyclotosaurus had seen for bre...

The Phredde Collection by Jackie French

Somewhere around the Corner

An old man crouched among the boulders, a hessian sack around his shoulders for warmth against the cold of the water, a tin plate tilted in his hand. He waved to the children, then bent down to his plate again. ‘That’s Old Man Lee,’ said Elaine. ‘He’s always at it.’ ‘What’s he doing?’ asked Barba...

Somewhere around the Corner by Jackie French

Macbeth and Son

(Macbeth, Act V, Scene 3, line 15) School dragged all day. Part of it was because Luke was tired from all that time on the Internet. But mostly it was because he was trying to think his own thoughts. School wasn’t a good place to think, Luke decided. The teachers kept getting in the way. Was Mrs ...

Macbeth and Son by Jackie French

Nanberry (2011)

Nanberry peered down at the nets, excited by the splash of fish. The Surgeon smiled. The lad’s laughter was one of the great comforts of his life. All at once the boy looked up, his gaze entranced. ‘Father White! The big ship is sailing!’ The Surgeon looked over towards the rocky headland, his he...

Nanberry (2011) by Jackie French

The Diary of William Shakespeare, Gentleman (2016)

Indeed, I have already written such a play, but it was not, as some have said, based upon my wife. My Anne was no shrew to tame. She remained as she had been before our marriage: dutiful, but now also happy. She sang as she podded peas with my mother sitting in the garden, her belly swelling, my ...

The Diary of William Shakespeare, Gentleman (2016) by Jackie French


Orkestres helped stretch their legs before he corrected the curves of their tumbles and guided them through their work-out, and Dora mixed myrtle and lemon oil to rub into sore joints, and to keep them supple. That half-moon before the High King’s feast was the happiest time Nikko had ever known....

Oracle by Jackie French

The Horse Who Bit a Bushranger

Billy peered at the stove curiously as he knocked. It was the first stove he’d ever seen up close: a big metal box. A giant pot bubbled on top. ‘Tip the water in the barrel, there’s a love.’ Her voice came from what must have been the pantry. It was low and husky, and sounded posh, like the way h...

The Horse Who Bit a Bushranger by Jackie French

Dingo: The Dog Who Conquered a Continent (2012)

He’d been walking for long enough to have worried she wouldn’t come. She ran to him. She sniffed his feet, then lay on her back so he could bend down and scratch her tummy, something he’d discovered she liked in the long afternoons when hunger and thirst were sated and there was nothing else to d...

Dingo: The Dog Who Conquered a Continent (2012) by Jackie French

A Rose for the Anzac Boys

The armies on both sides of the conflict were ill equipped—there simply weren’t enough clothes or food, much less medicines, stretchers or bandages, for the troops. In a large part, they were fed and clothed by their families and volunteers back home. In Australia and New Zealand women knitted so...

A Rose for the Anzac Boys by Jackie French

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