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Jackie Ivie books

Jackie Ivie

Read Books by Jackie Ivie


Knight after Night (2000)

This is a nice start to an amazing series! Thoran Alexander MacKettryck our first Assassin in the series. He is completely old world and just makes me want to swoon. So he's a vampire assassin we all have our faults right? Jolie meets him and he changes her life forever! I love paranormal romance...

Knight after Night (2000) by Jackie Ivie

The Hunted (The Chronicles of the Hunter Book 1)

Dried the rest of his body with the same quick, almost-angered motions. Wrapped the towel about his hips, tying it with a bit more strength than he needed. His movements matched how he felt.     Exactly.     He was in what the others referred to as his blac...

The Hunted (The Chronicles of the Hunter Book 1) by Jackie Ivie

Forever As One

And ages. And looks. The one she faced was a prime example; all brute strength, amazing handsomeness, and demonstrating a pretty extensive vocabulary, too. He still had to be mad. She was Evangeline Harper. Staid. Uptight. Somber. Dispassionate. All business. Critical and Logical. “I’m serious, D...

Forever As One by Jackie Ivie

Why These Two

Poland in February. The cold. Wind. Dark. Snow. Darryl was guessing on the last two since the vehicle didn’t have windows. All it had was a low-watt fluorescent tube mounted down the middle of the roof. Heck. The only thing worse was spending six months in the Amazon, fighting the heat and humidi...

Why These Two by Jackie Ivie

Be Still My Heart

Vaughn’s voice came through the speaker at her elbow, rousing Sasha from a semi-trance. It was a welcome distraction. She stretched. Yawned. Put both legs fully before her and wriggled her toes. She’d never felt so relaxed and blissful. She was nearly humming with it. “I asked not to be disturbed...

Be Still My Heart by Jackie Ivie

5 - Together To Join

One moment he was looking at her and feeling his heart squeeze, and the next, she was in his arms and he was holding her close; cradled there like a small hurt thing and not the monster she was. Clouds of blond hair haloed a sweet face; her eyes were wide and surprised, glistening with more unshe...

5 - Together To Join by Jackie Ivie

With Just Cause

Fashioned mainly from adobe bricks and framed with wood. Everything about it looked archaic and open; from the mazelike floor plan to the easy access of the front rooms. Those rooms had proven how easily a man with a gun could breach them. And he hadn’t even tried the overly large windows beneath...

With Just Cause by Jackie Ivie

4 - We Are Gathered

He had contracts to assign, funds to transfer, communications to make, it was going to be dawn soon, and she wasn’t to be initiated quite yet. He was under orders. No turning without her full consent. He’d known it and still had to be commanded to cease taking her fluid. He couldn’t help it. Noth...

4 - We Are Gathered by Jackie Ivie

To Have: Vampire Assassin League #19

Not that she’d have made one. Despite what all the movies showed. Not everyone falling to their deaths gave a long, slowly fading, scream. She didn’t have any breath to make one and couldn’t gasp another. She was really going to die this time. And not a soul knew where or how or when.   ...

To Have: Vampire Assassin League #19 by Jackie Ivie

Anyone Here

Sixty- eight. Sixty—Jake’s fingers touched the pad, stopping the timer. In a flash he was shoving up from the water, wiping moisture from his eyes, and grinning. Widely. That was followed by a yelp of exaltation as he slapped at the water. Outstanding! He’d bettered his time by four one-hundredth...

Anyone Here by Jackie Ivie

Knight Everlasting (2011)

He didn’t know why the lass argued her rescue so! He’d saved her. It wasn’t open to question. He’d saved her, going against type, and she gave him nothing but grief ever since. What was wrong with the lass? Aidan wasn’t a chivalrous type by nature, at least he’d never been before, but he just cou...

Knight Everlasting (2011) by Jackie Ivie

You Both (Vampire Assassin League Book 29)

She’d experienced some weird sleep instances. She’d been a sleepwalker as a child. She’d awakened in all kinds of places. Once, she’d ended up in an adjoining neighborhood. An exclusive one. With a golf course. Sand traps. Ponds. Golf balls that had just been sent rocketing off their tees. And th...

You Both (Vampire Assassin League Book 29) by Jackie Ivie

Dearly Beloved

He had her pressed against him, held in the curve of his body, while the most amazing vibration emanated from where her nose pressed, right beneath his chin. It spread from there until it encompassed her entire frame, sending her against him in a continual set of surges she hadn’t any control ove...

Dearly Beloved by Jackie Ivie

Once Upon a Knight (2009)

She had both of her hands clamped to her mouth to stay any more of the screech and waited until her heart finished its tenth pounding beat before moving. Nobody ever heard her scream, or screech, or moan, or anything. And why? Because she was an emotionless shell, and that’s exactly how she liked...

Once Upon a Knight (2009) by Jackie Ivie

Vampire Assassin League Bundle Five - Loneliness

Tons of breasts. Thighs. Lots of options. All fantasies allowed. If a customer had the funds, anything and everything was offered. There was only one thing Zachariah Penn wanted –a man who abused and mutilated women. The guy he chased had done just that, to two formerly-beautiful women. Two of Mi...

Vampire Assassin League Bundle Five - Loneliness by Jackie Ivie

Linna : Historical Romance (The Brocade Collection, Book 5)

Lukewarm wetness dripped onto Cord’s face, caressed his lips, and slid over his features. None of which meant a thing. Cord licked at the rain, tasted the nothingness and let it sit on his tongue. There wasn’t enough to swallow. It wasn’t raining although it had been all morn. The day was sending...

Linna : Historical Romance (The Brocade Collection, Book 5) by Jackie Ivie

A Forever Mate: Vampire Assassin League #18

It was full-fledged insanity.     At least with a barrier between them, she hadn’t been assaulted by the immense power of his presence. Or whatever he wielded. Goosebumps lifted all along her arms and belly, while her breath came in little spurts as if somebody had a corset-th...

A Forever Mate: Vampire Assassin League #18 by Jackie Ivie

Cannot Unite

Nothing about her carried revulsion or disgust. But there was something. Something… Rare. KayNan’s eyes opened and he sat up, scanning the cubicle of space he claimed. It was claustrophobically small and stiflingly quiet. As always. Exactly as he liked it. If he stood to full height, his head gra...

Cannot Unite by Jackie Ivie

For Richer (Vampire Assassin League Book 24)

There was totally unbelievable, and there was totally, holy shit, in-your-face unbelievable. This was the latter.     Becky’s mouth dropped open. It wasn’t the only thing that dropped. She lost her hold on the pepper spray can. She heard it rolling along the rock until it came...

For Richer (Vampire Assassin League Book 24) by Jackie Ivie

To Love (Vampire Assassin League Book 21)

Cullen realized it within two blocks of trailing the man’s cab. The man was impossible to keep an eye on. Cullen had been distracted first as a band of nuns crossed the street directly before him. He barely had enough time to duck into a shop before the group passed. He watched them in a mirror w...

To Love (Vampire Assassin League Book 21) by Jackie Ivie

PENETRATE (The Portals of Time Book 1)

He’d been decked out with a tasseled blanket beneath a leather-tooled saddle with silver smelted to the edges. His entire equipage was trimmed with silver. Such accoutrements made him a fit mount for the Duke of Straithcairn. The horse was a Clydesdale and one of the largest in the Straithcairn s...

PENETRATE (The Portals of Time Book 1) by Jackie Ivie

When It Comes (Vampire Assassin League Book 31)

And where. One fifteen in the morning. At Red Rocks. Two nights ago. And every moment seemed to bring more insanity.     Mitch had spent hours with the hypnotist, acting like he was cooperating while fighting anything that might send his mind on hiatus and reveal his secret. T...

When It Comes (Vampire Assassin League Book 31) by Jackie Ivie

And To Cherish

The nylon lines about him flexed. The chair creaked. His belly ached. His hair pulled. He shifted. Resettled. Thus far, the hiccups were probably the worst part of this nightmare. And these jerks had given them to him. He lowered his chin and looked balefully at the gent sitting opposite him, dre...

And To Cherish by Jackie Ivie

Should There Be (Vampire Assassin League)

It occurred in the span of time between any mortally dangerous situation and death. It was totally normal. Chucking her coat and hat and then her backpack at the walls, and screaming until she was hoarse, all the while pounding at the doors - couldn’t be all that abnormal. It sure felt stupid, bu...

Should There Be (Vampire Assassin League) by Jackie Ivie

As Long As

This is beyond ridiculous. Where do you shop, a Moroccan bazaar?”     Sokar’s eyes went to the arched doorway where Geena stood. The doorway was twenty feet high, gloriously inset with mosaic to look like a view of the Nile. When the fields were lush and green after an inundat...

As Long As by Jackie Ivie

Exist (Vampire Assassin League Book 30)

She believed that the mind was in control. The way a person experienced life was due to how their brain processed the data it received. Mind power was the key. It controlled everything, even physical response. The mind was the all-powerful controlling factor.     But it could ...

Exist (Vampire Assassin League Book 30) by Jackie Ivie

Brocade Series 02 - Giselle

Louisa called. “The entire staff is awaiting you.” Giselle should have guessed who was behind the infernal pounding at her door. Then again, she was the one who’d bolted it. “You’d better see what they want,” a bored, male voice said beside her. “I certainly can’t do it.” Giselle gasped and lifte...

Brocade Series 02 - Giselle by Jackie Ivie

All Others (Vampire Assassin League Book 27)

Well. Look who’s here! Queen of the Dark. Finally!”     The words came through a haze of existence. Cameron would have stumbled if he was walking. He wasn’t. He was being carried across one of Tessa’s shoulders. She wasn’t walking, either. At least, he didn’t sense footsteps. ...

All Others (Vampire Assassin League Book 27) by Jackie Ivie

Now or Forever

It wasn’t much of an issue. He was doubled-over, coughing and hacking, and a scissor-kick later, he was flat on his back, with his nose kicked into his brain, pretty much silent. The move even saved Len from a headshot, although the bullet grazed the top of his ear, cauterizing as it went. It stu...

Now or Forever by Jackie Ivie

To Honor: Vampire Assassin League #22

That ninja – or whatever he’d been – had to have the most mesmeric eyes she’d ever seen. Amazingly deep. Dark. She wasn’t sure on eye color. There hadn’t been enough light to see anything clearly. Yet, for some reason, she remembered every moment of being caught up in his gaze.    ...

To Honor: Vampire Assassin League #22 by Jackie Ivie

And To Hold: Vampire Assassin League #20

He had gifts. He fit in. No matter what the situation or setting. He was a chameleon. He could change into whatever the circumstances warranted, and he could change right back. Acting a part came easy. That talent had gotten him out of lots of scrapes when he was a teen, and even more since he’d ...

And To Hold: Vampire Assassin League #20 by Jackie Ivie

A Perfect Knight For Love

. . I’d be obliged.”Amalie didn’t know if her body would work at first. Her belly had tremors running it, while everywhere else seemed to be jumping with sensation. Worse was the sticky and raw and moist feeling at her apex. She sat, leaning on both arms and looked out into semi-darkness. Thayne ...

A Perfect Knight For Love by Jackie Ivie

Forsaking (Vampire Assassin League Book 26)

The low rumble caused more than one person to look in his direction. Bram pulled the slim phone out with one hand and put his cards atop the table with the other. Face down.     “I am going to have to take this call,” he informed them.     “Not with an open...

Forsaking (Vampire Assassin League Book 26) by Jackie Ivie

Morganna (The Brocade Collection, Book 4)

Of course, Morgan decided, when she was on the opposite side of his door and doing her best to portray Sally Bess’s bulk, it would. The man had a flair for exactly what all the clansmen grouped about everywhere would enjoy, poke each other in the ribs over, and discuss, until her cheeks burned. &...

Morganna (The Brocade Collection, Book 4) by Jackie Ivie


“Well ...for an adventure-free night, you are a wonder.”     Elise was struggling with leaden eyes. The bedchamber looked vaguely familiar, as did the embroidered crest on her pillow. She felt, rather than saw, her maid’s amusement.     “Daisy—?”  &nbs...

Elise by Jackie Ivie

Laird of Ballanclaire

Constant hadn’t really expected it, despite his assurance. She knew the truth. They weren’t sailing toward anything certain. There was only a vague hope of a future at the end of it. Love didn’t matter in the world Kameron had been born into. He couldn’t change it. Nobody could. Constant grimaced...

Laird of Ballanclaire by Jackie Ivie


I barely touched it to parchment and it spreads!”     Devon’s frustration colored the words. Bessie leaned over him again.     “Perhaps I used too much seed oil with the gall and soot. I’ve been known to mix it wrong. Let me try.”     He...

Bessie by Jackie Ivie

Let Them Speak (Vampire Assassin League #13)

This wasn’t even her hotel.     Sydney blinked on the gloomy image of high walls, lofty ceilings with molded plaster, an ornate window treatment – which didn’t do much to assist whatever the flickering light source was, and the impression of vast space. She groaned.  &nbs...

Let Them Speak (Vampire Assassin League #13) by Jackie Ivie

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