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Jacob Gowans books

Jacob Gowans
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Read Books by Jacob Gowans


Psion Beta (2010)

This is a solid YA novel set in a semi-dystopian future. Earth has been affected by a plague and, while a vaccine has been developed, there are side effects. One boy discovers that he has been affected and the government picks him up, wanting him to use his abilities to help them in their fight...

Psion Beta (2010) by Jacob Gowans

Psion Gamma (2011)

How is it that Jacob isn't more well known. This book is amazing. After reading it I now have a new favorite author.The book is classified as young adult but I feel that is because the main character, Samuel Berhane, is sixteen. Yes there are shades of things that all teens worry about. These are...

Psion Gamma (2011) by Jacob Gowans

Psion Delta

Loser       Saturday June 3, 2086       After two weeks of new leadership, Major Tawhiri’s changes in Psion Beta headquarters had become quite apparent. He enforced strict curfew rules: 2130 Sunday night through Thursday night and midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. The exception to the rule ...

Psion Delta by Jacob Gowans

Psion Omega (Psion series Book 5)

Blame     Friday, May 9, 2087   “OCTOBER 31st, 2065,” said Commander Byron. His brow furrowed and his gaze grew distant. “Do you know what happened that day?” “The Battle of Quebec.” It did not surprise him that Samuel remembered his history lessons well. He remembered everything well. “Every acc...

Psion Omega (Psion series Book 5) by Jacob Gowans

Psion Alpha

Profound numbness filled the lower half of his body, a sensation which Byron had grown accustomed to over the last several weeks. With all the IVs and stimulators connected to him, he took up a majority of the room. Bandages soaked in orange goo to promote healing wrapped his legs and torso, and ...

Psion Alpha by Jacob Gowans

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