Ty trailed Katy out of the grocery store, the kitty litter under one arm, while the condoms burned a hole in the bag he held in his other hand. What the hell was he thinking? The breeze teased the ends of her hair and carried the scent of autumn’s h...
It was hard to go along as though nothing was wrong. Especially when the blocks she’d spent so much time building, such as her job, friendships, and a burgeoning relationship with the sheriff and his daughter, were about to come tumbling down. She’d just set her purse on t...
That was new. Usually he was the one looking for excuses to leave after doing the deed. He understood she probably needed some time alone to process everything that had happened tonight, not the least of which they’d had sex. S.E.X. A small word to encompass a life-changing event. &nb...
The dog was quiet, but his big brown eyes seemed to say he was happy to be going home. The stark white bandages looked incongruous against the white and black patches of his fur. Tracy laid the blanket they’d used for the picnic across the backseat and Sugar-Bear climbed i...
His face was plastered to the floor and it felt like a ten-piece band was rehearsing in his skull. Ugh. His mouth tasted like somethin’ crawled up and died in there. It took him two tries to lift his head and focus bleary eyes on Davey passed out at the kitchen table, a half-full glass of rotgut ...