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James D. Doss books

James D. Doss
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Read Books by James D. Doss


Coffin Man (2000)

This book initially annoyed me so much I decided I wouldn't read it at all. It was like listening to your grandfather tell some interminable tale, with a million asides and danged colorful expressions. Then I remembered what my brother told me about conversations with our mother: you have to let ...

Coffin Man (2000) by James D. Doss

The Widow's Revenge (2009)

Wow! What a wonderfully witty tale of part-time tribal investigator and full-time cattle rancher, Charlie Moon, his best buddy, Police Chief Scott Parris and the three main women in his life; the irascible Ute Shaman, his Aunt Daisy, the starry eyed teenage Sarah Frank and the steely eyed Special...

The Widow's Revenge (2009) by James D. Doss

Dead Soul (2004)

As a recent fan of the Charlie Moon mystery series, I've noticed the author's use of humor in the novels has developed a pattern of slapstick (in its latter novels primarily) that can be overbearing and somewhat unrealistic, but Dead Soul gratefully avoids that trap. In fact, this is inarguably t...

Dead Soul (2004) by James D. Doss

Three Sisters (2007)

      Colorado rancher and tribal investigator Charlie Moon is taking a night off to play some poker with his best friend, Scott Parris, Granite Creek’s chief of police, when Scott’s dispatcher cuts in with an emergency call. It seems a man was on the phone with his wife when their call was inter...

Three Sisters (2007) by James D. Doss

The Shaman Laughs (1999)

I enjoy mysteries of the southwest, especially those about the 4 corners area. The book begins with an Indian rancher discovering his prize bull has been killed and mutilated. Main character, Charlie Moon....a Ute policeman, is called to investigate. Charlie's boss is out of town and nearby sheri...

The Shaman Laughs (1999) by James D. Doss

The Night Visitor (2000)

The world of Daisy Perika ia a realm of shadows, omens, and restless spirits. In tribal policeman Charlie Moon's world, good and evil manifest themselves in more explainable, human ways. Yet the irascible old Ute shaman and her huge, good-natured nephew inhabit the same hard and lonely Colorado c...

The Night Visitor (2000) by James D. Doss

The Witch's Tongue (2004)

Strange things are happening near Granite Creek, Colorado, all in the space of less than twenty-four hours. A Ute shaman dreams of being buried alive and hears the hooting of an owl, signaling impending death. A man walks into Spirit Canyon and disappears, leaving his battered wife both relieved ...

The Witch's Tongue (2004) by James D. Doss

Stone Butterfly (2007)

     Daisy Perika is no stranger to eerie dreams, but when she has a nightmare, lives could be at stake. Convinced that her visions of a wisp-thin girl with blood dripping from her hands are omens, the old woman calls on her nephew, Charlie Moon. A part-time tribal investigator and full-time Colo...

Stone Butterfly (2007) by James D. Doss

Shadow Man

From time to time, she offered helpful words of encouragement. “For someone who’s never drove a car before, you are doing fairly well.” When the lurching of the vehicle began to make her feel nauseous, she offered thoughtful instructions. “It isn’t actually necessary to pump the gas up and down t...

Shadow Man by James D. Doss

The Old Gray Wolf

Let’s watch and find out. There he goes, across the parlor, through the front door, across the redwood porch, and down the creaking steps. He strides purposefully across the dusty headquarters yard, down the dirt lane, and across the Too Late Creek bridge—to the foreman’s residence. What for? Mos...

The Old Gray Wolf by James D. Doss

Snake Dreams

Also speechless. But let us back up a minute. The girl, who had put a gallon and a half of gas into the borrowed pickup, went looking for Aunt Daisy in the ladies’ room and emerged from that facility to hear a big commotion out front. She got to the door just in time to see the tribal elder back ...

Snake Dreams by James D. Doss

A Dead Man's Tale

A General Sense of Unease A willful person who has survived to a ripe old age is likely to suffer remorse when remembering errors made along the way. From time to time the more sensitive souls will awaken in the middle of the night to recall a particularly egregious sin of commission or omission,...

A Dead Man's Tale by James D. Doss

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