Shortly after dawn peasants began to appear along the roadsides leading to the castle, children in tow, oxcarts laden with food. By noon the courtyard was jammed to the ramparts with onlookers, anxiously awaiting the festivities. The day was to start with several beheadings, the royal pronounceme...
And this time it was much worse than before, for now his master was an undead monster whose persistent rot had dissolved whatever small shred of humanity he might once have possessed. Now the slap of Thidrek’s hand to his cheek was not just stingingly painful; it also left behind tiny bits of put...
Thrym was alive and well, and they were riding him again! The water from the troll well had stirred him back to life, refreezing over the melted holes in his arms, legs, and chest, recrystallizing, and restoring him to health. How thrilled she had been, when Thrym had first come climbing out of t...