There followed immediately an interview with Parma which Shebat had petitioned for while still she did not understand what was happening to her, three months before; and which by the day of its occurrence she had given up hope of ever being granted. Until today, she had ha...
He sees around him decay, and hastens to make reparation. The shield keeps his council, and the spear is indefatigable in his service. At such times it is unseemly for a man to do other than what he chooses. He need not quest...
The Eye of Mnemaat The cessation of pain was all the luxury in the universe. Deilcrit sought it. And in the blackness behind closed lids, he found that the pain had an ebb, and a flow, and holding his breath through the dizzying combers of agony, he found comfort in the receding of sensation that...
Well Arlet It was close to mid-meal, bright and hot, when we neared the Arletian gate. The road was thronged with vendors and merchants and traders, for it was market day in the Inner Well. Arletians disdain uniformity of dress, and the crowd in the large U-shaped court of stalls was a riot of co...