Amazingly, every one of the dozen children at Sugar ’n‘ Spice was fast asleep. Pulling the door to the room full of cribs partially closed, Miranda tiptoed through the occupied sleeping mats in the main room to the kitchen corner where Jenna was heating her lunch in the microwave. With a practice...
The sheriff hammered the computer keyboard at one of his deputy’s desks, a vein pulsing at his temple. Dillon slouched on a straight backed chair, Carter on one side of him, Rod on the other. The man looked nearly comatose with bruised eyes staring out of a pale face. A second row of chairs occup...
Travis glanced over as Grace fell into step beside him. “Only the last mile or so. I stopped to eat so you could catch up.” She snorted. “Big of you.” A grin stretched his lips. “I thought so. Who’s your malnourished friend?”  ...
Squirming, she tried to shift beneath Griff’s weight—and failed. Finally, he pushed up onto his elbows to take a long look around. As far as she could tell from her prone position, nothing moved in the stillness of the night. The only sound was the distant lowing of cows. Had the animals been dis...
Beyond a partially closed door, Sheriff Walker’s voice rose in a heated conversation. In the outer office, the dispatcher relayed information over a radio to a deputy on patrol. Rachel and her daughters stood clustered around Deputy Hendricks’s desk. The young man wore imm...
Claire leaned forward and clutched the dashboard as she and Jed bumped down the long, rutted driveway. Anticipation, along with more than a few nerves, fluttered in her chest as she waited for her first glimpse of the house. Hutchins, the lawyer, had warned her the place needed some work. Still, ...