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Javier Cercas books

Javier Cercas
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Read Books by Javier Cercas


Anatomía de un instante (2000)

Relato novelado del intento de golpe de estado del 23-F. A partir de entrevistas, de la prensa de la época y de numerosas lecturas, Javier Cercas nos descubre su visión de uno de los acontecimientos que más ha marcado la actual historia de España. Una visión lo más próxima a la verdad que ha podi...

Anatomía de un instante (2000) by Javier Cercas

Anatomia di un istante (2009)

El 23-F yo tenía 3 años, así que no me enteré de nada de lo que estaba pasando.El desinterés por la política, y los programas de zapping, fabricaron en mi mente el recuerdo de ese día como el de un señor con tricornio y mostacho gritando '¡Se sienten, coño!'.El año pasado, gracias al programa de ...

Anatomia di un istante (2009) by Javier Cercas

Soldados de Salamina (2001)

Right through the center of Spain runs a deep scar. This scar has many dimensions. In terms of time, it spans the most of the 20th century; and at certain points in time, it cut the land that Spain consists of up into pieces. But the deepest scars run in the Spanish psyche and in its individu...

Soldados de Salamina (2001) by Javier Cercas

The Tenant and The Motive (2005)

It was a one-storey, rectangular building, long and low, with an expanse of cream-coloured walls, interrupted only by the pale wooden front door, and a big picture window on the right. In front of the house were clumps of hydrangeas and chrysanthemums and an ample lawn watered by constant sprinkl...

The Tenant and The Motive (2005) by Javier Cercas

Outlaws (2014)

I think what he means is that you were like the leavening that makes the dough rise into bread.’ ‘Yeah. It could be, but I don’t think so. In any case, if it was like that, I didn’t do anything to raise it; and even if I had: remember that I was the lowest guy on the totem pole, who’d just arrive...

Outlaws (2014) by Javier Cercas

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