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Jayden Woods books

Jayden Woods
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Read Books by Jayden Woods


The Lost Tales of Mercia

    She awoke in his heavy arms, and at first she panicked. The memories of the night before came back to her in shattered pieces. He chased her through the woods. She jumped on him from a tree and they fell in a breathless tangle. The underbrush scraped her back. His wiry beard tickled her stoma...

The Lost Tales of Mercia by Jayden Woods

The Sixth Lost Tale of Mercia: Hastings the Hearth Companion

1004. This year came Sweyne with his fleet to Norwich, plundering and burning the whole town.” —Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, Entry for Year 1004 * NORWICH 1004 A.D. Hastings and his horse raced through a hundred miles of wetlands and heath to find their destination obscured in a haze of smoke. Overnig...

The Sixth Lost Tale of Mercia: Hastings the Hearth Companion by Jayden Woods

The First Lost Tale of Mercia: Golde the Mother

But Aelfric the ealdorman, one of those in whom the king had most confidence, directed the army to be warned; and in the night, as they should on the morrow have joined battle, the selfsame Aelfric fled from the forces; and then the army escaped.” --The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, Entry For Year 992 ...

The First Lost Tale of Mercia: Golde the Mother by Jayden Woods

The Eighth Lost Tale of Mercia: Canute the Viking

    Canute’s palms sweated as he stood across from his sparring partner. This was the most formidable opponent, he suspected, that he had ever faced next to Thorkell the Tall himself. They were of a similar age and height, fifteen or sixteen years old, tall and wiry, though Tosti was a bit broade...

The Eighth Lost Tale of Mercia: Canute the Viking by Jayden Woods

The Seventh Lost Tale of Mercia: Hildred the Maid

--Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, Entry For Year 1005 A.D. * SHREWSBURY, MERCIA 1005 A.D. On her way to church that morning, anger poisoned Hildred’s devotion. She knew that she was supposed to worship God with a pure and loving heart, but she also doubted that God would notice one way or another. After ...

The Seventh Lost Tale of Mercia: Hildred the Maid by Jayden Woods

The Fifth Lost Tale of Mercia: Alfgifu the Orphan

Meanwhile, after the death of Sweyne, sat Knute with his army in Gainsborough until Easter ...” --The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, Entry for Year 1014 * Spring, 1014 A.D. Gainsborough Alfgifu of Northampton did not want to admit that she was nervous, but when she saw the Viking encampment looming ahea...

The Fifth Lost Tale of Mercia: Alfgifu the Orphan by Jayden Woods

The Third Lost Tale of Mercia: Aydith the Aetheling

--Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, Entry for Year 1001 A.D. * LUNDENBURG 1001 A.D. Aydith’s heart seemed to throb in her throat, so completely did her rage and sorrow fill her. Breathing became difficult as she waited for her father to exit the hall, but she stood firm, swallowing down what fear she could...

The Third Lost Tale of Mercia: Aydith the Aetheling by Jayden Woods

The Fourth Lost Tale of Mercia: Athelward the Historian

By means of these alone, the times succeeding [Bede] have been rescued from oblivion : for of [Athelward], a noble and illustrious man, who attempted to arrange these chronicles in Latin, and whose intention I could applaud if his language did not disgust me, it is better to be silent.” --William...

The Fourth Lost Tale of Mercia: Athelward the Historian by Jayden Woods

The Second Lost Tale of Mercia: Ethelred the King

He was always doing things at wrong times and leaving undone what he should have done, so that he is called Ethelred the Unready, that is the man without rede or counsel.” --Freeman, Edward. Old English History for Children pg. 190 * Corfe-Gate, Dorset 978 A.D. Ethelred watched longingly as his h...

The Second Lost Tale of Mercia: Ethelred the King by Jayden Woods

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