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Jean S. MacLeod books

Jean S. MacLeod
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Read Books by Jean S. MacLeod


Moreton's Kingdom

‘We haven’t a corner to spare after tomorrow,’ she said. ‘I really am sorry.’No doubt she was protecting Charles, playing the friend when he had asked her.‘I just thought I’d try,’ Katherine said without attempting to mask the disappointment in her voice. ‘Is there anywhere else I could go?’‘I th...

Moreton's Kingdom by Jean S. MacLeod

Return to Spring

She seems to cling to it,” he said. “Yes. It was through the kindness of the Squire’s wife that the cottage was given to her. Mrs. Veycourt was seemingly a very gracious lady, and there are numerous instances of her kindness to be found in and around the village.” “Her memory is very precious to ...

Return to Spring by Jean S. MacLeod

The Little Doctor

She had wrapped herself in a yellow velvet housecoat with white swansdown at the throat and cuffs, and she was starry-eyed.“What do you think, Jane?” she exclaimed. “Max has agreed about Switzerland! We’re going—we’re actually going for Christmas!”If she had said Max had “given in,” it would have...

The Little Doctor by Jean S. MacLeod

The Tender Glory

MACLEOD It seemed a great sacrifice when Alison gave up her hopes of a career as concert pianist to nurse her mother back at her Scottish home, Craigie Hill Farm - especially as her brother Robin refused to come back from Canada and face his responsibilities. But in the end she found a happiness ...

The Tender Glory by Jean S. MacLeod

Air Ambulance

It was unnecessary. He was asleep. Isobel relieved her soon afterwards.“Fergus will be looking in soon,” she said as she reached the door. “And you must call me if you feel uncertain, Isobel.”“I will.” Isobel had already taken up her position at the far side of the bed, her face half in shadow an...

Air Ambulance by Jean S. MacLeod

Master of Glenkeith

Nigel’s pleasant, friendly voice seemed to reach her from a long way off. “I’ve told her that you will bring her across to Ardnashee next week and make a day of it. Bring Meg, too, if she will come,” he added. “Of course she’ll come,” Hester said. She had been standing near Tessa, not speaking, b...

Master of Glenkeith by Jean S. MacLeod

Nurse Lang

Serena stood on the steps at the front door and watched the ambulance drive away, glad that Philip had not made any sort of fuss about being moved at the last minute, glad that the comings and goings at Mellyn would now cease, and above all glad that Moira would soon follow her cousin down the av...

Nurse Lang by Jean S. MacLeod

The Silver Dragon

she commanded. “I really feel that I need one.”He crossed to the cabinet, standing with his back to her as he mixed their drinks.“Tired?” he asked sympathetically. “You’ve had quite a day, you know.”“Not tired.” Olivia paused deliberately. “Only a little distressed.”He made no answer to that, car...

The Silver Dragon by Jean S. MacLeod

Prisoner of Love

The glen reserved its main efforts for the New Year and Laura looked forward to them with interest.“An entirely pagan conception of festivities,” Julius pointed out, although to Laura’s surprise, he seemed quite prepared to take part in them. He even accompanied the party as it walked across the ...

Prisoner of Love by Jean S. MacLeod

Meeting in Madrid

She had decided to stay in her room and allow them to search the garden unhindered for the gem she declared they would not find.Catherine, who had slept very little after the storm had subsided and Teresa had gone to her own room, came downstairs to find Ramon seated at the table in the patio wit...

Meeting in Madrid by Jean S. MacLeod

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