This was sadly below my expectations. I was hoping for something light and easy but the story really lacked content and execution was rocky.Plot drew me in with reconnecting with a long lost love but there really wasn't much love involved, at least I couldn't sense it. This book was shrouded wi...
Golly, was this book awful. I enjoyed Mistress of Trevelyon so much that I checked my Kindle and found I had two more books by the same author. Unfortunately, this one totally lacked exactly what made "Mistress" such a great read--character and story. This book was just about two very unlikeab...
His Porsche and James’s Jaguar were back at the leasing company, and they were reduced to their Shamrock Construction work truck and the beat-up pick-up they’d shared in high school. Degrees in business, architecture, and award-winning house designs had done zip to insulate them from a sagging e...
It wasn’t like they hadn’t already broken the sexual ice barrier. Hell, if the Titanic had had half their bang, it’d have plowed through the iceberg and never sunk. Did she think he was going to attack her the moment she got into the tub? He studied her as he climbed into the steamy water and mov...
Nan rolled out of bed groaning. Even after coffee and a shower, she didn’t manage to get both eyes open until the doorbell rang. She hurried to answer it, her mind a muddled maze. Wet hair wound up in a purple towel and her damp body wrapped in a fuzzy robe that had seen better days, she peered t...