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Jenny Oliver books

Jenny Oliver
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Read Books by Jenny Oliver


The Grand Reopening of Dandelion Café

‘He’s always hungry,’ sighed Suzi as she pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the table. Immaculate as always, she was dressed in diamanté jeans, a jumper with a zebra sequinned on the front and a jacket with a huge fur collar. ‘Have you said thanks, Wil?’ ‘Thanks, Aunty Annie,’ Wilbur said, v...

The Grand Reopening of Dandelion Café by Jenny Oliver

The Sunshine And Biscotti Club

Like lemon candyfloss the layers pulled on and on with every bite, the piping hot pastry burning their chins. But they’d barely finished their last mouthfuls when Libby said, ‘We should probably get to work.’ Eve internally sighed. She couldn’t bear another afternoon arguing with her about furnis...

The Sunshine And Biscotti Club by Jenny Oliver

One Summer Night At the Ritz (2015)

She tried to walk nonchalantly from her room but the fluttering in her stomach, the slight shake of her hands, the nervous tremor on her lips that made her want to laugh got the better of her and she could feel her legs twitch as she started to walk to the lift. She couldn’t help it. It was all t...

One Summer Night At the Ritz (2015) by Jenny Oliver

The Vintage Ice Cream Van Road Trip (Cherry Pie Island - Book 2)

Diana and Jean-Paul had both been married enough times between them to have no interest in bad luck traditions, so they’d spent the night together and they’d all breakfasted together outside on the patio. The sky was a haze of cloud with feathery bands of sun across the horizon. Wilf had stood ea...

The Vintage Ice Cream Van Road Trip (Cherry Pie Island - Book 2) by Jenny Oliver

The Parisian Christmas Bake Off

Rachel glanced warily around the room. At the back Tony, who’d already sliced his hand open getting his new knives out, looked taken aback by Chef’s abruptness and was shaking his head at Cheryl, saying, ‘That was all a bit unnecessary.’ Everyone knew Henri Salernes had a fierce reputation. Once ...

The Parisian Christmas Bake Off by Jenny Oliver

The Vintage Summer Wedding

She had a green Hennes headscarf to protect her hair, that she had given a little snip that morning to try and maintain the Trevor Sorbie cut as long as possible, and her fuchsia leather gloves, so that however much her hands might sweat, they would protect her nails. ‘You’re not handling pricele...

The Vintage Summer Wedding by Jenny Oliver

The Little Christmas Kitchen (2014)

Her shoes pinched, her back ached, her eyes were sore from holding back tears and one of her hands was constantly frozen because she’d dropped a glove somewhere between Dean Street and the Choccywoccydoodah shop and she was alternating with the one she had left. After a spate of brusque rejection...

The Little Christmas Kitchen (2014) by Jenny Oliver

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