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Jill Hathaway books

Jill Hathaway
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Read Books by Jill Hathaway


Nepřítel v mé mysli (2013)

Sliding into other people's bodies, seeing what they are seeing. Now that's something I'd like to read more about I thought when I picked up my copy of SLIDE. Vee can't controll when it happens or who she's sliding into. Whenever she touches an object with lingering emotions or energy in it, she ...

Nepřítel v mé mysli (2013) by Jill Hathaway


It seems like everyone is yapping about the fight. I wish I had earplugs so I could stop hearing all the gossip about my sister and Amber. Just as I’m stuffing an orange notebook into the already-bursting seams of my poor bag, Rollins appears. He leans on the locker next to mine. “Hey. I heard ab...

Slide by Jill Hathaway

Impostor (2013)

I’m not too worried about getting into trouble. The teacher forgets to take attendance half of the time, and even if he does mark me as absent, I can make something up about having a narcoleptic episode. There are only a few kids in the lab. One appears to be watching music videos on YouTube. He ...

Impostor (2013) by Jill Hathaway

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