Near death, Stanley Ahearn awakes three days after meeting a tearful woman in a San Francisco bar to discover he is missing a kidney and vows to exact revenge.
A PERSON WHO is nightblind might be a nyctalope. So, what is a person with day blindness? Or a person who won’t work? Jobalope?” “That would be Ivy.” “We’re both squinting. How about diurnalope?” “If it weren’t for these shades,” Lavinia said, “I’d have driven straight into that cemetery wall.” I...
Dexter Gordon’s cover of “Don’t Explain” quietly interpolated the morning, emanating from a pair of battered speakers screwed to opposite ends of the header above the seven-foot slider, and under the short eave that provided a little protection from the elements. A hummingbird took turns with a f...
How interesting. I could no longer think. But the laughter. The whole theater was laughing. I was laughing, too, it was true, but I had a reason, I was going insane and intended to enjoy myself. But the whole theater? What did they know about BOOK.SUB? Were they an embodim...
He couldn’t make a lot of sense out of the chatter. He heard Opium Jade rendering bits of Verlaine, though she was now across the street, working, and he understood no French. He could hear Bdeniowitz berating somebody for a lousy job, no—wait—it was Bdeniowitz berating Windrow for doing a lousy ...