a HUGE and most dedicated fan of Trixie and her crew. This is odd, of course, because they were MEANT for teen and pre-teen girls, but I was a young boy that read everything he could get his hands on and when I first stumbled on my first TRIXIE BELDON book I was instantly hooked! I immediately sa...
a HUGE and most dedicated fan of Trixie and her crew. This is odd, of course, because they were MEANT for teen and pre-teen girls, but I was a young boy that read everything he could get his hands on and when I first stumbled on my first TRIXIE BELDON book I was instantly hooked! I immediately sa...
Participating in an archaeological dig on an Indian burial ground, Trixie suspects a greedy, treasure-hunting college student of burglarizing several mansions in the area.
Trixie Belden searches for an arsonist after a fire destroys a local store and a warehouse during the annual Memorial Day parade.
Delivering a doll to a mysterious antique dealer leads fourteen-year-old Trixie Belden to investigate a case of counterfeiting.