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Joan Druett books

Joan Druett
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Read Books by Joan Druett


Island of the Lost: Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World (2007)

Auckland Island is a godforsaken place in the middle of the Southern Ocean, 285 miles south of New Zealand. With year-round freezing rain and howling winds, it is one of the most forbidding places in the world. To be shipwrecked there means almost certain death. Using the survivors' journals and...

Island of the Lost: Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World (2007) by Joan Druett

Island of the Lost (2007)

as Musgrave wrote, “which only ceased from time to time to blow again with redoubled fury”—bringing rain and sleet and sometimes snow. “We began to fear the oncoming of winter,” he went on. Awful premonitions of starvation were creeping in on them all, because the behavior of their prey was chang...

Island of the Lost (2007) by Joan Druett

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