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Joan Thomas books

Joan Thomas
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Read Books by Joan Thomas


The Opening Sky (2014)

And at first this reassured them – how could anything terrible happen to four kids at once? Then an open Jeep drove into the clearing with two little boys in the back, the white-blond brothers from Wisconsin. Someone from a nearby cottage had picked them up on the highway. Their mother, a pretty ...

The Opening Sky (2014) by Joan Thomas

Reading by Lightning (2008)

Grimshaw’s hat outside our living-room window and opened the door before she knocked. No coat? I said. Oh, lovie, it’s just one door to the next, she said, stepping over the sill and plucking off her hat. She was an old bird, a bottom-heavy chicken hopping into the henhouse, her legs grown skinny...

Reading by Lightning (2008) by Joan Thomas


But Captain Whyte, who receives him alone in his study, merely puts his newspaper aside with a let’s be quick about it expression, and Henry is obliged to launch directly into his proposal. Neither does Letitia seem to expect anything more than the mandatory question when he bows over her hand. “...

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