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Joel Kotkin books

Joel Kotkin
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Read Books by Joel Kotkin


The City: A Global History (2006)

"Cities compress and unleash the creative urges of humanity. ... [T]hree critical factors have determined the overall health of cities -- the sacredness of place, the ability to provide security and project power, and last, the animating role of commerce. Where these factors are present, urban c...

The City: A Global History (2006) by Joel Kotkin

The City: A Global History (Modern Library Chronicles Series Book 21) (2015)

With marauding knights and brigands roaming the countryside, the first priority lay in erecting a defensive perimeter. An eighth-century description of Verona, in Italy, tells of a city “protected by thick walls and surrounded by forty-eight gleaming towers.” In the years before the introduction ...

The City: A Global History (Modern Library Chronicles Series Book 21) (2015) by Joel Kotkin

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