I picked this book off the bargain table (when will I ever learn?). From the jacket, it seemed the author had been well reviewed for previous books and the theme of the book certainly looked promising. Other books with higher priority (book club, loaned books) pushed this one aside for quite a wh...
Spartina received the National Book Award when it was published in 1989. It deals a lot with one great American literary theme: class. Our hero is a decidedly cross Rhode Island waterman who would have been called “crotchety” in old Yankee culture. He lives hand to mouth, relying on the day’s cat...
A young intellectual is called into active duty and receives a rude awakening to the realities of military service. An Ivy League graduate is pressed casually into Intelligence work and encounters himself mirrored in his new-found friend--a Russian spy. An arrogant professor finds himself unable ...