Sarah is one of the most remarkable female characters of modern literature. She's a mixture of Jane Eyre, Hester Prynne, and Ophelia, a woman who has experienced much hardship, yet is strong and steadfast, like a sad statue, and slightly mad. Although, I'm torn, is it inaccurate to call Sarah mad...
Cu ocazia unei ocazii care n-a mai avut loc. Nov. '05. Gasita la curatenia generala prin computer.Nu mai tin minte exact cine mi-a recomandat “Magicianul”. Dar tin minte exact parerile unora, pe care i-am intrebat ce impresie le-a facut cartea. Unii mi-au zis ca e ciudata, stufoasa si imbirligata...
Rather than go into the plot details I'd rather touch on the larger metaphors of the book in this review. Although the basic plot is chilling enough on its own (A man kidnaps a beautiful and intelligent young girl) the parts that truly disturbed me had to do more with what I believe Fowles was s...
i tried reading this when i was 15, i think around the time it first came out. perhaps i was too ambitious, because the novel was too much for me, and i gave up. i suppose i just didn't get it. but i can be competitive - even with books, even with myself. so i promised young mark monday that the ...
John Fowles is one of my favorite contemporary writers, and now--having read Daniel Martin--I almost regret not saving it for my last read of his. It was written nearer the middle of his career, but still manages to provide the most wonderful feeling of autobiographical summation, like an epic ep...
I left Thee in anger, I knew not Thy worth,Journeyed afar, to the ends of the earth,Was told of far countries, the heaven of the hold,Where the soil gave up diamonds, silver and gold.The sun always shone, and ‘Race’ took no part,But Thy cry always reached me, its pain wrenched my heart,So I’m com...
– Lemprière, under Musae IT was conscious of a luminous and infinite haze, as if it were floating, godlike, alpha and omega, over a sea of vapor and looking down; then less happily, after an interval of obscure duration, of murmured sounds and peripheral shadows, which reduced the impression of b...
One twin came close to me, talked to me. She had a scar on her left wrist. The other did the Doppelgdnger effects. I would never get close to her. I would see her on the terrace, in the starlight; but always at a distance. Twins – it was extraordinary, but I had begun to realize enough about Conc...