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John Peel books

John Peel
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Read Books by John Peel


Here There Be Dragons (1993)

When captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the "U.S.S. Enterprise(TM) receive news of a human planet hidden in the center of an immense stellar cloud, they immediately investigate. Penetrating the cloud, the Starship crew is shocked to discover a world of knights and serfs lifted right out of E...

Here There Be Dragons (1993) by John Peel

The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker (1998)

Luke Skywalker always felt a call from space, and eventually learned the ways of the Force and became a Jedi Knight. Now, Luke tells the inside story of his battle with the evil Empire!

The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker (1998) by John Peel

Star Wars Journal - The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker

But only a little.     It’s really hard, still, to accept the fact that my aunt and uncle are dead.     The stormtroopers killed them and burned the house down to the ground. They made it look like Tusken Raiders again, but it was an even flimsier cover job...

Star Wars Journal - The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker by John Peel

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