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Jonathan Clements books

Jonathan Clements
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Read Books by Jonathan Clements


Strontium Dog: Fire from Heaven (2000 AD Audio, #10) (2003)

Cowering in fear of the Devastator death-god, the simple folk of the desert planet Muspel worship a prophet who fell from the sky. He prepares them for the final battle, predicting that the Devastator will send terrifying agents of destruction… the Strontium Gods!But high-priest "Omega" is really...

Strontium Dog: Fire from Heaven (2000 AD Audio, #10) (2003) by Jonathan Clements

A Brief History of the Vikings

Debate continues over what caused so many men to leave Scandinavia at around the same time, but is not helped much by the available evidence. Our chief source, for example, for this period of Norwegian history is Snorri’s Heimskringla, written some three hundred years after the events it describe...

A Brief History of the Vikings by Jonathan Clements


"Know who Kulta is?" he asked. Johnny nodded. "This is his tomb," said Malcolm. "We're going in for the body." "There's treasure or something?" asked Johnny. Malcolm laughed. "You'll be well paid," he said. "You can take what you can carry if there's anything in there, but we're not going after a...

Ruthless by Jonathan Clements

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