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Josephine Tey books

Josephine Tey
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Read Books by Josephine Tey


The Man in the Queue (1995)

After a long absence, Alan Grant returns to my life. (Which is a different way of saying "I haven't read this in a long time".) It's obvious that Josephine Tey didn't originally intend to write mystery novels: not to in any way belittle mystery novels, which I love, but there is an intelligent ...

The Man in the Queue (1995) by Josephine Tey

The Franchise Affair

Aunt Lin asked, opening her table napkin and arranging it across her plump lap. This was a sentence that made sense but had no meaning. It was as much an overture to dinner as the spreading of her napkin, and the exploratory movement of her right foot as she located the footstool which compensate...

The Franchise Affair by Josephine Tey

A Shilling for Candles

All his life he had been no poor hater, Toselli. As commis he had hated the maitre maitre d’hôtel, as maitre d’hôtel he had hated the management, as the management he hated many things: the chef, wet weather, his wife, the head porter’s mustache, clients who demanded to see him at breakfast time—...

A Shilling for Candles by Josephine Tey

To Love and Be Wise

It would take him away from the household for the rest of his stay in Orfordshire; and once the Rushmere trip was over he would go away and they would see no more of him. No harm had been done so far, that she could see. Liz liked being with the creature, of course, because they were both young a...

To Love and Be Wise by Josephine Tey

The Daughter of Time (2010)

With the book was a note in Marta's large sprawling writing on Marta's stiff expensive notepaper.     Have to send this instead of bringing it. Frantically busy. Think I have got M.M. to the sticking point re Blessington. No T. More in any of the bookshops, so tried Public Lib...

The Daughter of Time (2010) by Josephine Tey

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