This is the sequel to Henrietta's War and follows the correspondence of Henrietta on village life during WWII as the war progresses. While there are still the humorous touches of village life and dealing with the privations of war, it is clear that the war has taken some toll on their lives. We d...
We all brought our own food, and at the end there was a collection for the Canteen; but still, it was a party, and caused more excitement and gave more pleasure than anything that has happened here for a long time. Mrs Savernack had her cousin, who is a real Cabinet Minister, staying with her, an...
I know I should and every year am filled with a longing to do better and rush round the house emptying drawers and shelves on to the floor and unearthing many treasures such as my dark glasses (mourned as lost) and endless snapshots. After enjoying several holidays in retrospect I somehow lose he...