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J.T. Edson books

J.T. Edson
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Read Books by J.T. Edson


Waco's Badge (2005)

Law beyond the limits ... In wide-open Arizona, outlaws run rampant, since the authority of the local marshal ends at his town's borders. A different breed of peace officer is needed, and rancher Bentram Mosehan has accepted the responsibility of organizing a new Arizona State Police force. He's...

Waco's Badge (2005) by J.T. Edson

The Road to Ratchet Creek (2005)

A good town to die in ... There are six passengers on the stagecoach from Promontory to Ratchet Creek -- among them a beautiful singer with bad intentions, a lawman dressed in deacon's garb ... and a red-headed hellion named Martha Jane Canary, who's hell with a whip and quicker on the draw than...

The Road to Ratchet Creek (2005) by J.T. Edson

The Fortune Hunters (1990)

Dusty Fog and his men have to round up a rich dead man's friends and relatives and bring them to the old home place for the reading of his will. But this is no reunion, or even a wake--it's an all-out shootout. Because, according to the will, the last one alive inherits everything!

The Fortune Hunters (1990) by J.T. Edson

The Big Hunt (2006)

No man walks away . . . For years, there have been none better at the trade than buffalo-skin hunter Kerry Barran. But he's taken part in too much killing -- of beast and man alike -- and now he wants to lay down his gun for good. But the hunter's got powerful enemies in Otley Creek -- and a "pa...

The Big Hunt (2006) by J.T. Edson

Goodnights Dream (1980)

A big country needs a big dream, and Charles Goodnight had one. He planned to drive cattle all the way to Kansas, where they would bring enough money to help rebuild war-torn Texas.A gang of yellow-bellied yankees had a different dream. They planned to stop him! So Goodnight asked for the help of...

Goodnights Dream (1980) by J.T. Edson

The Ysabel Kid (1989)

In this first book of the Floating Outfit series the three core members of the of outfit meet for the first time. It directly follows J.T.'s Civil War series, most of which follow Dusty's career though the Ysabel Kid features in a few of the Belle Boyd titles. Dusty is sent to Mexico to bring bac...

The Ysabel Kid (1989) by J.T. Edson

Bunduki (1975)

Much as I loved Edson as a young fellow I feel he should not have followed this path. He seems far more comfortable with the West. Typical Edson elements - cat-fights, detailed obsessive descriptions of weaponry. At times he fixes on a particular weapon and seem unable to drop it. I thought I'd n...

Bunduki (1975) by J.T. Edson

Running Irons (2005)

Man with a mission ... Danny Fog has a lot to live up to, being the younger brother of Dusty Fog, the legendary gun wizard from Rio Hondo. But Danny's still a lawman to be reckoned with -- and by breaking up the loathsome cow-thieving outfit that's terrorizing Caspar County, he'll be well on his...

Running Irons (2005) by J.T. Edson

Sidewinder (1990)

The Big Bend Country was about to explode in a bloody war with the Comanche Nation, and only the Floating Outfit's pehnane-a hide-tough Texas kid who wore moccasins instead of boots-could stop Sidewinder's war band!

Sidewinder (1990) by J.T. Edson

Bunduki (Bunduki Series Book One)

She was not a moment too soon! In fact, she had almost left it too late! Already the harpy eagle’s broad, shortish wings were lifting it higher, in preparation for the deadly downwards plunge onto its prey. From its powerful curved beak burst a hideous shriek that was intended to paralyze its vic...

Bunduki (Bunduki Series Book One) by J.T. Edson

Slip Gun

About to throw himself sideways and, if he avoided the attack, turn his Colt on his assailant, Smith saw Woodstole swing away from him. Swirling around on his right foot, the Englishman whipped the knife forward parallel to the ground. Giving a sharp, snapping motion to his wrist, he flung his we...

Slip Gun by J.T. Edson

Mississippi Raider

Shortly after Belle Boyd was rendered unconscious by the pistol thrown at her, two of the men who had been on the fox hunt earlier in the evening and a pair of Negroes clad in attire suggesting that they were field hands rather than members of the mansion’s domestic staff dashed into the room. Al...

Mississippi Raider by J.T. Edson

The Big Gun (Dusty Fog's Civil War Book 3)

Black haired, just touched with gray at the temples, his face had a slightly Mephistophelian aspect which partly accounted for his sobriquet, ‘Ole Devil’. He was a complete contrast to his captured counterpart in the Union Army. There was none of Culver’s bombast and profanity in Ole Devil’s bear...

The Big Gun (Dusty Fog's Civil War Book 3) by J.T. Edson

Goodnight's Dream (A Floating Outfit Western Book 4)

‘No trouble, Colonel,’ Poe answered. ‘Fact being, we handled the herd as easy, if not easier, than with the full crew.’ Although Goodnight would remember the words at a later date, at that moment he gave them little attention. Rowdy Lincoln, the trail drive’s cook, appeared at the entrance to the...

Goodnight's Dream (A Floating Outfit Western Book 4) by J.T. Edson

Fearless Master of the Jungle (A Bunduki Jungle Adventure

‘Here you, foreign woman!’ the visitor named Deneb-Ginwe called to Dawn Drummond-Clayton. ‘Bring me some of that food and be quick about it.’ ‘Yes, noble master,’ the Earth girl responded, sounding humble and walking forward with a bowl of the succulent stew for which Joar-Fane’s mother was famou...

Fearless Master of the Jungle (A Bunduki Jungle Adventure by J.T. Edson

Young Ole Devil

‘I was hoping that he wouldn’t be,’ Ole Devil Hardin admitted, and touched his bruised left cheek with a careful forefinger. ‘With any luck, I’ll have time to tidy myself up again before he comes to fetch us.’ ‘I’m going to stick with you this time, cousin,’ Blaze declared with a sleepy grin. Tha...

Young Ole Devil by J.T. Edson

A Horse Called Mogollon (Floating Outfit Book 3)

‘There’s him a-whooping and a-womanizing down to Fort Sawyer while we’re working like there’s only one day left to do it.’ If the Indian-dark youngster expected his comment to produce any sympathy, he was to meet with a disappointment. ‘Yah!’ Jeanie Schell scoffed. ‘You’re all riled ’n’ ornery ’c...

A Horse Called Mogollon (Floating Outfit Book 3) by J.T. Edson

Ole Devil and the Caplocks

  Sitting his horse with the reins tied to the saddle horn, but restraining its eagerness to move—by holding the near side ribbon with his pistol-filled left hand—Tommy Okasi watched the renegades. They were emerging from their places of concealment in response to Pudsey’s call and the clinking o...

Ole Devil and the Caplocks by J.T. Edson

Ole Devil at San Jacinto (Old Devil Hardin Western Book 4)

In every direction, there were signs that the Republic of Texas’s small Army and a large number of refugees were encamped just beyond the civic limits. However, glaring straight ahead, he seemed to have eyes for nothing that was going on around him. A few members of the Texas Light Cavalry’s Comp...

Ole Devil at San Jacinto (Old Devil Hardin Western Book 4) by J.T. Edson

.44 Caliber Man

Its mate lay in the open box on the bed at his side, along with the cased pair’s accessories. Working with smooth precision, he rammed the charge and its wad down the barrel then followed it with the rest of the load. He had already attended to the other barrel, so he fitted the percussion caps i...

.44 Caliber Man by J.T. Edson

From Hide and Horn (A Floating Outfit Book Number 5)

However, the urgent nature of the drive’s next phase soon pushed all thoughts of the incident from his and Dusty’s heads. To avoid complications, they passed the word that Heenan had deserted during the night. Filled with the knowledge of what lay ahead, the trail hands accepted the excuse and we...

From Hide and Horn (A Floating Outfit Book Number 5) by J.T. Edson

Wanted! Belle Starr!

Belle Starr ejaculated, acting as if she had expected a response to the tug she had given upon the bell cord hanging down from a corner of the expensively furnished sitting-room in the mansion to which she had brought an intended victim. “Aunt Selena-Mae’s servants have already left for their nig...

Wanted! Belle Starr! by J.T. Edson

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