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Judy May books

Judy May
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Read Books by Judy May


Diamond Star Girl (2012)

Lorna, Alice, Amber, Bonnie and Hanna were all sitting on the other beds whispering so loudly it was really talking with a lot of breathing behind it, and telling each other to ‘shhh’ or they’d wake me. I told them it was too late for that and suddenly had a crowd of concerned faces around me. Ap...

Diamond Star Girl (2012) by Judy May

Hazel Wood Girl (2012)

I came up with every idea short of stopping each person on the main street and begging them on my knees (although I am even keeping that one in reserve). Several ideas got binned early on, including ones that involved Rollerblades, swimsuits and dressing up in a rooster costume. Going down more s...

Hazel Wood Girl (2012) by Judy May

Blue Lavender Girl (2012)

They are more stylish than the clothes most girls I know wear, but compared to Jenny and Aunt Maisie I feel really dull and unimaginative. Black stuff doesn’t seem to work outside the city.     I said this to Aunt Maisie just now at breakfast because she doesn’t judge me. My m...

Blue Lavender Girl (2012) by Judy May

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