Uncapping a hip flask, the man chuckled before taking a deep swallow. Excitement flared when he recounted his part in capturing Breeana. “I only paid the kid ten bucks to hook her son and plow him headfirst into the net. And you shudda seen the broad. She went squirrelly when I said her boy was p...
He stood between her and the door, effectively blocking her from leaving the guesthouse. Wonderful. She thought about phoning for help but who would she call? Not security, since he was standing in front of her waiving FBI credentials he’d most likely bought on the internet. Not her mother, who l...
Low on manpower, Deuce signed him up with one condition. That he kept his hands off Natasha. No problem there—like she wanted his hands on her anyway. The safety inspector released the building and renovations got the green light. Skip watched with a wary eye as he helped shore up the ceiling w...