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Kass Morgan books

Kass Morgan
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Read Books by Kass Morgan


Day 21 (2014)

I was hoping for it to get better but if you did not enjoy the prequel then I don't think this book will compensate for it. I guess one reason why this work is not working for me because it's too shallow for a science fiction book. I have to remind myself not to expect much about it because I kno...

Day 21 (2014) by Kass Morgan

Dag 21 (2014)

cliff hanger! awesome story! i might actually watch the TV series. This book was amazing! I read it in only two days because I couldn't stop reading. 5/5!

Dag 21 (2014) by Kass Morgan

21e Jour (2014)

A much better book than the first of this series Very different from the series on E4, but oh my is it wonderful! There had better be a third!

21e Jour (2014) by Kass Morgan

The 100 (The 100 Series)

He never imagined how homesick it would make him to stare at the familiar scene from hundreds of kilometers away. It was unsettling to see the moon so tiny and featureless, like waking up to find that your family’s faces had been erased. Sitting at the campfire around him, the others were grumbli...

The 100 (The 100 Series) by Kass Morgan

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