Last year when I went to Ireland, I walked into an Irish bookshop, and all of the Hunger Games movie companions were displayed at the front table. How could I not buy this guy?? The World of the Hunger Games is definitely a book for anyone who is HG crazy. Was it worth the 10€ I paid for it, hmmm...
¡No habia tenido antes la oportunidad de leer un Movie Companion y debo decir que quedé encantado con este! Divergente es uno de mis libros favoritos, haberlo visto en la pantalla grande fue algo asdfghjkl, y ahora saber como fue todo el proceso de su realización, desde la selección de actores ha...
1. I devoured this.2. The first movie companion book I read was Twilight and I loved that one, too. Getting a little slice of what goes on in the production of a movie is so fascinating to me. Something I still remember from the Twilight movie companion is the part where they talk about scouting ...