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Katherine Ayres books

Katherine Ayres
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Read Books by Katherine Ayres


North by Night: A Story of the Underground Railroad (2000)

Yet another re-read of this favorite from my teenage years. The story centers around Lucy (it's her diary), a 16 year old girl who believes and freedom and works with her parents on the underground railroad to help runaway slaves. While Lucy can be irksome at times, her story is interesting and h...

North by Night: A Story of the Underground Railroad (2000) by Katherine Ayres

Voices at Whisper Bend

Supper was over. Charlotte was washing dishes and trying to figure out how to collect as much scrap as she could before Ma started at the mill. Robbie saluted, then reached for the dish towel. “Cut it out,” Charlotte grumbled. “You’re not in the Navy.” “Not yet,” Robbie said. “But when I’m old en...

Voices at Whisper Bend by Katherine Ayres

North by Night

If you could travel months and years into the past or the future, would you do it? I’ve often thought about particular moments in history. And while I haven’t yet discovered a time machine to carry me back, I can enter into the lives and times of others by writing novels that take place in the pa...

North by Night by Katherine Ayres

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