Perusing the property with a skeptical eye, he appraised its Georgian architecture and small, whimsical garden. The home had its merits and it was his deepest desire to make it a glorious addition to his portfolio when the time presented itself. Byron Danbury, Duke of Thro...
The truth of her circumstances would soon become apparent. In the meantime, she hoped her father would find the strength to ignore his quest to find her a suitable husband or, at best, direct his aim at someone other than Burton. With their financial situation still unresolved, however, it was do...
Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history…” ~William Shakespeare’s All The World’s a Stage “Bellerophon.” Simon pondered Gillian’s choice of words throughout the night as he drank to submerge his lustful thoughts. More than anything...
And tells the proud Despot to rule o’er his slaves, Nor strive with his Queen for the Crown of the Waves. ~Song, Anon, Horatio’s Death, The Morning Chronicle November 22, 1805 November 6, 1805 Gillian set her tea cup down on the saucer with a clatter, nearly breaking i...
Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post has learned that the CONTRABAND exceeds all expectation, and if Lady O.’s speculations are correct, the find will surely lead to the CAPTURE of that devil, the BLACK REGENT, before he and his crew attack again. ~ Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post, 2...
The EXCISEMAN dutifully promised to defend CORNWALL and DEVON from WRECKERS recently TERRORIZING our shores. ~ Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post, 13 August 1809 Chloe collapsed to her knees and used Owens’s neckerchief to staunch the blood loss by pressing the garment over ...
Simon rose from his seat and stepped behind Gillian’s. He touched his wife’s fluted rose collar then cleared his throat. “My fellows, it has fallen on me to tell you all why you are here.” “Isn’t that as plain as the eye patch on Garrick’s face?” Milford complained. ...