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Kathleen Y' Barbo books

Kathleen Y' Barbo
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Read Books by Kathleen Y' Barbo


The Confidential Life of Eugenia Cooper (2009)

As it was, Mae caught him unaware, and rather than dispatch him to kingdom come, she hobbled him to be sent there via the good marshal and a sturdy rope. The rope he’d used on her, Mae kept as a souvenir, along with the horse the formerly fortunate felon rode in on. Renamed Lucky, the mare became...

The Confidential Life of Eugenia Cooper (2009) by Kathleen Y' Barbo

The Rocky Mountain Heiress Collection (2012)

“Marry up with me, Mae,” he said for the hundredth time, “and you’ll not regret it.” She dropped a lump of sugar in his tea and prayed the hog-tied criminal in her basement wouldn’t come to before her beau left for choir practice. If he did, Mae would have to explain her secret life. And she was ...

The Rocky Mountain Heiress Collection (2012) by Kathleen Y' Barbo

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