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Kathleen Y'Barbo books

Kathleen Y'Barbo
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Read Books by Kathleen Y'Barbo


The Confidential Life of Eugenia Cooper (2009)

I was never able to completely "click" with Gennie, but as the story progressed I did become accustomed to her. Her love of all things Wild West seemed maybe a bit overdone, however it definitely made things more fun. There were things I liked and others that I questioned as they seemed a bit dra...

The Confidential Life of Eugenia Cooper (2009) by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Flora's Wish

Flora’s gaze swept the room as her heart and her hopes fell. Indeed, the place appeared as if no one had been in residence for some time. “But that’s not possible,” she said with difficulty. “He told me this was his room number. I’m certain of it.” Mr. McMinn made quick work of searching every in...

Flora's Wish by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Coffee Scoop

In the past, before Ryan Baxter entered her life, she spent at least an hour working before she allowed herself the perk of checking E-mails. The self-imposed rule had served to boost her productivity considerably, especially when the temptation to “just read a few E-mails” generally gave way to ...

Coffee Scoop by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Anna Finch and the Hired Gun

Anna’s fingers tangled in Jeb’s shirt, her other arm wrapped around his waist. The water was cold. So very cold. “I’m teasing,” the Pinkerton said, his breath warm against her neck. “Now, much as I’m enjoying this conversation, we’ve both got to get out of this water.” “Mr. Sanders,” she said as ...

Anna Finch and the Hired Gun by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Beloved Counterfeit

“Shouldn’t you be working on a sermon, Mr. Tate?” Micah let the book fall to the table, where it landed with a thud. Again he made to rise; again the chair wobbled against long legs. This time, however, he caught it before it toppled. “Yes, well, I was—” “Reading.” Ruby retrieved the novel. “I kn...

Beloved Counterfeit by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Idle Hours

Like his opinions, however, Ben kept the truth to himself.  Buying his daddy’s bait shop so his mama wouldn’t have to run the place alone, now that’s something he could take pride in. After all, a man’s job was to see to his family. But with Mama gone six years now, he toyed with the idea of buyi...

Idle Hours by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Beloved Captive

His chase down the heated and chilled corridors had ended with what felt like a tumble into a light so brilliant he could neither see his way nor find his wits. So he closed his eyes and listened to the voices: his mother’s, Fletcher’s, and others he did not recognize. On occasion, another voice ...

Beloved Captive by Kathleen Y'Barbo

Beloved Castaway

Josiah held his ground against the insistent pleas of those sent to rescue them and claim whatever goods they might haul. “Not until all hands are accounted for.” While the Jude slammed against the unforgiving coral of the reef, the wreckers, as they were known, worked quickly to remove the ladie...

Beloved Castaway by Kathleen Y'Barbo

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